Spell Jars, Spell Bottles and Candle Magick: When to fix, repair, throw away or start over?

Spell Jars, Spell Bottles & Candle Magick: When to fix, repair, throw away or start over in your witchcraft magick spells.

Has a jar for a sugar spell ever broke?

Have you ever had to put out a candle because of interruptions?

Have you had a spell bottle or spell jar that leaked?

What do you do then?

When should you fix, repair, throw away or start over when it comes to spell jars, spell bottles and candle magick?

We’re going to cover spell jars, spell bottles and candle spells and what to do when you get interrupted or something goes wrong with your jar or bottle.

First, let’s look at spell jars and spell bottles.

Leaking or Loose Lid on Spell Jar or Spell Bottle

Let’s say that your spell jar or spell bottle is leaking.

What does that mean for your spell?

This could suggest that the energy of your spell is “leaking” and not directed exactly at your target or intention for the spell.

Do you need to start your jar or bottle spell over?

Not necessarily.

This will depend on how much of your contents leaked out of the jar or bottle.

If it’s barely noticeable that any of the contents are missing from the bottle, then it’s somewhat safe to say that not much is “lost” from your spell.

In that case, if only a small amount leaked out of the jar or bottle, you can re-tighten the lid on the jar or bottle.

After re-tightening the lid, anoint the lid and bottom of the jar or bottle with an oil that matches your intention of the spell.

Place a candle on top of the lid of the jar and light the candle.

If you can, match the colour of the candle to the intention of your spell or use a white candle if the colour you need isn’t readily on hand.

(To know more about colour and magick, check out Colour Correspondences for Candle Magick and Spells.)

Another way to re-tighten a spell jar is to use tape around the edges of the jar such as hockey tape (which sometimes comes in different colours.)

Durable tape (such as hockey tape) can be ideal in binding and sealing something in a spell.

However, if a larger amount of the contents from your jar or bottle leaked out of the jar,  you may need to start over or redo the spell and add more ingredients to “top up” the spell jar or bottle.

Broken Spell Jar or Spell Bottle

If a spell jar breaks or cracks, then the magick and spell in the bottle is shattered and “broken.”

This means the spell jar will have to be disposed of and replaced without reusing anything from the spell jar for magickal purposes (except glass, but we’ll cover that further on.)

Depending on the intention of the spell, you can bury the jar on your property (to attract/protect) or off your property (to banish/repel).

Spell bottles are often sealed with wax and sometimes copper wire, so they are effective as long as the “seal” isn’t broken completely.

Sometimes drippings of the wax on a spell bottle can break off, however the spell bottle still works and is effective if the top of the seal on the bottle is still intact and unbroken.

If the wiring of the spell bottle or the top of the wax on the spell bottle becomes broken or damaged, then the spell bottle can be retired.

The spell bottle can be buried on your property or off your property (depending on the purpose of the spell bottle.)

If a glass spell jar breaks due to dropping it, getting knocked over, etc., the broken glass from the jar can be used to make a Witch’s Jar.

A Witch’s Jar is a jar filled with sharp objects such as nails, broken glass, knives and often urine from the witch (vinegar or alcohol can be a substitute) often used for protection of the home and witch.

The Witch’s Jar can be buried under the porch of the front entrance or placed near the front or back entrance of the home.

Interrupted Candle Spells and Magick

What happens if you can’t supervise a candle for the entire duration that it burns?

What about extinguishing 7 day candles?

Sometimes life gets in the way that we can’t leave candles burning due to children, pets or when having to run errands or do work.

Candles in spells can be lit, snuffed out and then re-lit again later when you have the time to devote to the spell.

When extinguishing a candle in the middle of a spell, be sure to snuff out the candle with a candle snuffer or a small plate instead of blowing the candle out.

Before extinguishing the candle, take a moment to reaffirm your intentions for the spell and that you will come back to the spell when you are able to.

After extinguishing the spell candle or candles, you can leave them in the same place (as long as the candles won’t be touched) until you can come back to finish the spell.

If you can’t leave the candles in the same place, move the candles to a safe area where they won’t be touched and are out of sight.

When you’re ready to continue the spell again, you can anoint the candle again before lighting it.

Light the candle and pray over the candle for a few minutes to reaffirm your intentions for the spell.

Let the candle burn for as long as you can.

If you have to extinguish the candle again for any reason, repeat the steps above.

This process can be done for larger candles and 7 day candles which may be difficult for some people to leave candles burning for an hour or longer.

Lighting and re-lighting candles can be done during a waxing moon phase or waning moon phase over the course of a few days leading up to the full moon or dark moon.

This can create an escalating effect and carry your spell to be more effective over a longer period of time.

Timing the candle to finish by the full moon or dark moon can be the finale for your spell.

Have no worry if your spell isn’t done in one night or if your spell jar or bottle leaks a bit, or if your jar breaks completely.

Life happens, but as a witch there’s almost always a fix.

Almost everything can be repaired and fixed, but sometimes you have to start over – and that includes spells and magick.

TarotPugs Signature 2020 Blog Witchcraft Tarot
Have a spell jar, bottle or candle that didn't work or that went awry? Find out if to fix, repair, throw away or start over your spell jar, spell bottle or candle spell.
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Money Skull Spell Bottle

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65 thoughts on “Spell Jars, Spell Bottles and Candle Magick: When to fix, repair, throw away or start over?

    • This would probably require starting over completely. If you feel that the odds of the candle burning through the bottle was unlikely (but it happened anyway), it may mean that the intention was too heavy handed and too much forcefulness was put into it and that a gentler approach may be needed next time. If you feel later that the material (bottle cap) used wasn’t safe enough for the candle, then it may mean nothing was wrong with the working but just a ‘malfunction’ of the bottle. However, because the working was done and if there is a hole at the top of the bottle this means that most of what what energetically contained has been released in a disorganized, fluid or misdirected manner. So the working with new materials (and maybe a different bottle type) would likely need to be used. In a second attempt, try a more relaxed approach to the working if you feel your energy was too tense or fixated on an outcome.🐾


  1. Can you open a jar to add things to it? I also noticed my name paper resurfaced and isn’t completely submerged in the honey, could this cause it to not work?


    • I generally feel that it shouldn’t be opened but “sealing” it externally may add more emphasis such as sealing with candle wax, herbs and/or an oil on the lid and where it seals/closes around the opening. Praying over it (however you like, hoodoo uses psalms best suited for the working) or leaving it in the sunlight or moonlight (depending on the moon phase and your type of working that matches it) may also add extra emphasis to strengthen the working. Trust how you feel about these steps and/or use a divination tool to decide what may work best to resolve it. If all else fails or you feel these steps aren’t enough or you don’t feel confident in the original working or adding additional steps, it may be best to start over with new materials. Depending on the working some hoodoo uses molasses which can be stickier than honey and can keep the name paper in place due to its viscosity or even using tape to fasten the name paper to the bottom of the jar may be effective to really keep someone (or something) fastened in place (that is if you don’t want them to go, leave, etc.) and then adding the honey on top of the name paper/tape combo. If considering molasses, be sure to check its properties first before using in place of honey (just to be safe and sure.) Hope that helps!♡ Stacey and the Tarot Pugs


  2. Hi, I have a question. I have this friend, who is a fighter and before very important fight she selaed up the jar with wax and placed all her energy in it. She did lose her fight, but now, she is always sick and cant manage her health properly. Jar is still sealed up, so my question is, would it be helpful, if she brokes the jar and practically realeases her energy from it? Is there some complicated part about the spell, she should know about? Like some backlash or something? Thank you kindly for your answer.


    • I would suggest deactivating the jar, disposing of the ingredients and focusing on restoring health first. Try a 7 day cleansing or all purpose candle and a 7 day health candle to burn together to help restore health and clear up any energetic “debris” that may be affecting your friend. Protective crystals like obsidian and black tourmaline can be carried while doing this working for the duration of the 7 days. After that, a new jar can be done to help with future endeavors. Hope that helps!


      • Hi, first of all, thank you very much for your help and quick answer! 🙂
        But, what do you mean by deactivating jar? Because it is not safe to open it or break it, because it could do more harm than help. I made vitality/energy jar for her, but I sense she should make it for her own.


      • If a jar isn’t or didn’t work as intended, deactivating can mean such as mentally dissolving the energy of the jar (kind of opposite of when putting energy into it). This can also be disposing of the jar such as burying it or storing it away if intuitively felt correct to do so. It may be not a bad idea for your friend to make her own as we often know ourselves and our needs best and she may have a good sense of how much vitality/energy she needs and exactly how. As the written words at the Oracle of Delphi “Know thyself.” A jar made by your friend may be a nice addition to the one you made to add extra effort and support combined.🐾🙏💜


  3. I was burning a fully dressed a road opener candle and I accidently knocked it over. The wax went everywhere and the candle out. Should I start another one or pray over it and relight it?


    • For myself, I would probably re-bless, and dress the candle again as if starting over again and then relight the candle. You can take note how the candle burns to see if it is burning as intended to see the effectiveness. Intention and concentration are the most important factors, so if enough intent is made while redressing (with herbs, oil, etc.), it could still be as effective.🐾


      • Thank you! Did as you suggested. It is burning great! Wish I would have found this site earlier. Had a fully dressed Lovers Amante novena candle with a small but steady dancing flame that I snuffed out in less than 24hrs because of the flame. I just thought it meant love was not strong enough but I was later told I should have let it burn the full seven days. Who knew??

        Liked by 1 person

    • I would presume that it wouldn’t be effective especially since honey jars and magickal items are best effective when cared for and secured in a special place such as your home, office or someplace you frequent or visit. Discarding an item whether intentional or not would likely deactivate it. Throwing away something will often deactivate it unless it is a spell to rid yourself of something then throwing away the item is part of the spell. Throwing away something intended to draw something towards you for to sweeten something or someone in your life will likely deactivate the jar – especially if it’s the jar is now in a place such as a garbage bin which likely will end up at a local garbage dump or if you left it someplace and can’t retrieve it (which could fall into someone else’s hands) or if you don’t know what has happened to it or where it is now. It would be best probably to start a new one which won’t negatively effect the previous jar so you could create a new one as a replacement.🖤🐾


  4. Hi…I have a question, I was working on a money spell jar. In the process of adding my coins like your supposed to daily, and move it around so the coins jingle a little as one states the incantation and/or intention my bottle cranked on one side a small piece of the glass came flying out. Obviously the mason jar is now broken…..should I restart the spell in a different jar from scratch? And what should I do with broken mason jar?


    • It would probably be best to start over. Some practitioners would say to bury the jar on your property, but if that’s not possible or you don’t agree with with burying broken objects in the ground, it could be possible to empty the car’s contents and recycle the glass (after cleaning it well) which some may say is more environmentally friendly – if the glass is recyclable. The contents such as in the jar, if they are organic could be buried on your property or some place that you could visit and designate as your “positive” burial space i.e. things you want to still work for you. (If you wish to bury something to get rid of, then bury it somewhere off your property that you will not visit again or dispose on a garbage that’s not on your property that will be taken away by the city/town/municipal garbage service.) Reusing or recycling a magickal object is the same idea for repurposing wax from candles burned on top of jars such as to melt the wax again to make a new candle (so long as the wax is used again for the same purpose as before such as money spells, protection magick, etc.), instead of just burying the wax or throwing it away. I think as practitioners we have to sometimes adjust to thinking environmentally, repurposing items, recycling, etc., as our world is changing environmentally as well. Hope that helps!💜🐾


      • I have a silly question, when I make a spell jar, how long do I leave it? I have a limited amount of stones so I thought I could reuse them eventually. Is it that once you make a jar that it should stay with your shrine forever?


      • Hi there! This may depend on what you feel intuitively: this could be whether you feel the spell has manifested what you desired or if you feel the spell is no longer working for any reason. It would be OK depending on what you sense is “enough time” which could be weeks or months, depending if you wish to continuously work on the jar or if you feel you are ready to move on from it. To reuse the stones/crystals, this would then likely require to “deactivate” the jar (by opening the seal or lid, this would do that) and then cleansing all the ingredients and disposing of any of the other non-reusable ingredients (e.g. sugar, honey, herbs, etc.) The jar can be then cleansed through washing or boiling the jar in hot water, then smoke cleansing it or any other means that you feel is appropriate to cleanse the old energy of the jar and instill it with your energy again. The stones would then need to rest and recharge by any means that’s safe for them to be cleansed (e.g. sunlight, moonlight, water, etc. – but making sure to use the method that is safe for the type of crystal that it is.) However, by deactivating the jar, this may nullify the working of the jar so that it may not be working again. By deactivating/opening the jar may possibly not cancel out the work that it has carried out up until that point, however it likely won’t continue to work on that spell/intention further. However, there’s nothing preventing from starting a new jar at some point later if you wish to work on the spell/intention again at a later time. 🙂


  5. Hi, thanks for this post! I did a freezer spell about three months ago on a girl who kept harassing my boyfriend and afterwards she started being really nice to me and she also got a boyfriend of her own so I think it did something. Anyway today she broke up with her boyfriend and just now I opened the freezer and the jar slid out (it’s never done that before) and a bit of the lid cracked. It was still possible to put the lid back on and nothing leaked out. I put the jar in a freezer bag and put it back in. I think this was some kind of sign for it to happen on the day of her breakup. Do you think because the lid is still on and it’s still frozen and it’s now in the bag as well it’ll be ok or should I dispose of it or redo it? I’m a bit worried about her starting to become a stalker again!


    • My intuition says that particular jar’s purpose may be done and over based on the previous circumstances and conditions that were surrounding at the time. If you’re worried of concerned that what happened previously may happen again and you would like to work to prevent it from happening this time around, it may be better to redo the jar since there is likely new or different energy, thoughts and/or circumstances since the original/first jar was made. This may be especially due to the fact that this girl had a boyfriend, but broke up recently and thus may change the dynamics a bit than the first time around when she was harassing your boyfriend. It may be best to do a new jar now that recent circumstances have changed which may or may not influence her decisions or how she behave. Even if it is the same as previously, time has passed since the first jar and it looks like things have changed ever so slightly since then or have added a new dimension to it. Hope that helps!🐾


      • Thanks so much for the quick reply! I couldn’t find any info on things like this anywhere else! One last question, if I dispose of this jar how should I do it? I’m really worried about unfreezing it.


      • This idea came to mind as normally disposing of something frozen will naturally thaw through the normal methods such as burying it off your property or throwing it into a body of water such as a lake or ocean (if available to you.) Another method may be a coffin box which these can be found online and now that Halloween is around the corner, craft shops like Michael’s may have some crafted wooden or decorated coffin boxes available. If the coffin box is big enough for your jar, you could place it in the box or if the jar is too big, empty it’s contents into the jar (if it has liquid in the jar or needs to be thawed first you can thaw it a bit and place in a ziploc bag then place into the coffin box – I feel it’s not as so much important how the contents get in the box, but that they end up in there) and then the box is nail closed with nails (carefully) and can be buried some place remotely off your property that you feel will be a good place to do so. A coffin box will put the jar contents to rest and if this person name had been added, can work to bind them and remove them from your life. For more info and to see if this feels right for you, search “witchcraft hoodoo coffin box” which you may find some info or where to get a box. The jar that contained the contents (if the contents were removed) would also be buried to remove that from your possession and lay that to rest too. If you do a new jar and want to get rid of the old one, it’s best to dispose of it and after doing so walk away without looking back. This is why it would be best to bury it some place you don’t visit or usually travel near and where it is least likely to be disturbed and ultimately forgotten. Hope that helps!🐾


  6. I was wondering if I used a jar for a pervious spell and the spell didn’t work or I feel like it has served its purpose(money spell) could I reuse the jar for another spell? If so how do I deactivate the jar in order to reuse it?


    • If the jar is for something positive to draw towards you, then it may be ideal to reuse the jar (as an environmentally friendly way). But if it’s used for jinxes or curses, it would be best to dispose of far away as possible. As you mentioned it’s for money, it may be possible to empty the contents and bury those someplace where you would normally bury things that you want to give thanks, respect or have close to your property and cleanse the jar with holy water or Florida water (or water that has been prayed over). If the jar is made of glass and can tolerate warm to hot water, if you can place it in a boiling pot of water with cleansing herbs and herbs that are for your new purpose for the jar (e.g. such as money herbs or other herbs for your intent) to cleanse and infuse the jar with its new purpose. Carefully remove the jar after boiling the jar in the pot of hot water (it’ll only need to be in the water for about 5 to 10 minutes – or the same amount of time to sterilize any jar or bottle), allow to air dry upside down on a cloth or paper towel where it won’t be touched or disturbed. It should be ready for it’s new purpose. This method may work best for only positive jar spell work – curse / hex or jinx jars will need to be disposed for good after their use is no longer needed. 🖤🐾 If the jar has any wax on top of it, this wax can be collected and melted down to create a new candle for the same purpose as an environmentally friendly alternative to burying the wax.🖤🐾


  7. Hi so in all my years I’ve never broken part of anything until today but it was the glass container of a spell candle. I know it’s similar but not the same as breaking a glass jar with the spell in it, but I’m unsure of what I should do? I reallllly don’t want to start that spell over again.
    Does it matter if it didn’t actually effect the candle itself?
    I’m over analyzing this, I’m sure but also I broke it retrieving coffee sugar.
    Which I’ve not yet drank.


    • It may depend on your belief system (e.g. animism), which I’ll explain a bit: sometimes things/objects (inanimate) will have a “lifespan” and they “expire” in ways that they either break or get lost. This often happens with charm bags and crystals (I just recently had to buy a new charm bag because I lost one I had for over a year, but it was probably at the end of its lifespan/use.) If you’re the type of person (like me) that holds onto things because they’re “still in good condition (so why replace it)” sometimes these things get lost or broken because the object’s lifespan or use is done so something like it getting broken or lost will force us to replace it. Or sometimes sh*t just happens. LOL! It happens to the best and all of us from time to time.
      Now if the candle glass had broken while burning the candle, that would be a different story. But since the candle seems unaffected, it shouldn’t be much of an issue. If you feel inclined, you can choose to cleanse the candle or show the candle some TLC, or place in a secure place. Accidents happen, but probably no harm done! Time may tell to see if the spell manifests as desired. Positive thoughts may help to think the spell is manifested as desired rather than counteracting it. Keep your goal in mind, visualize it as desired. Accidents happen. 😊💜🐾


  8. I think I need to move a jar I buried for a binding spell. I’m worried the spot wasn’t secluded enough and someone might find it. Can I rebury it or will that deactivate it? If I can, what do I need to do to ensure it still works?


    • The thought that comes to mind is from when in the old days, long ago that coffins would be moved from one place to another to be reburied. Some were done hastily and unceremoniously, but some were done respectfully and in a ceremonious manner. It may be possible to rebury it by consciously being aware, and doing so with the intent to rebury it as if you were exhuming it and will “lay it to rest” in another place. This could be done with prayer or consecration before hand, exhuming it, wrapping it in black cloth if transporting it to another place, then burying it again wrapped in the cloth at the new location. Prior to burying again, a prayer could be said, then buried, and a prayer after buried. Salt (coarse white salt may work best) can be lightly thrown on the new burial place – however not too much to give suspicion to anyone going near it, however if you work with graveyard magick, cemetery dirt may work but that will require extra caution and research to be sure it works for you and your style of witchery. But salt and even dirt sprinkled on the new burial site may work with a prayer and then walking away without looking back. In some traditions, afterwards it is customary to not speak to anyone on the way home until you get inside your home. Hope that helps.🐾


  9. Hi
    My husband opened my frozen jar and he put some others names I was so angry on him ask him to take out all names which he was put in a jar and close the jar again
    So what should I do? Leave as how it is or make the new jar ?


    • My husband did the same thing once which the jar was aimed at his boss. From our experience, things reverted right back to the way before I did the jar. Putting the jar back after it had thawed (he left it out all night while I was sleeping) and putting it back in the freezer didn’t improve the situation. Based on my experience, I would recommend probably best to start over – maybe I should’ve put a note on my jar that said “don’t touch or remove from freezer”.😅


  10. I’ve just finished a sour jar. I had 5 white tealight around the jar and a black candle on the top. The last white candle burnt out at exactly the same time as the black candle burnt down and out. I’ve never seen this before,is it a good omen? And also three drips remain on the left part. I know explanation if the candle itself drips,but cant find a meaning online for the remnants on the jar. Thanks in advance 🙂


    • In some traditions, the left side (candles, plates, jars and even in tarot readings) can indicate the “past”, so any remains, wax or remnants that are or fall on the left side can indicate something that has to do with the past. This can mean something that either has to be taken care of in the past or something that has been taken care of / completed or done in the past (this can also indicate the situation and/or outcome). This will depend on what the goal of the working was. If the working is about having something taken care of, finished, completed or “done”, remains, wax or remnants on the left (i.e. the past) could indicate that it’s been handled or taken care of and will now be in the past (or very soon). If the remnants, wax or remains were on the right, it could mean it hasn’t happened just yet, but will be at some point in the future. Hope that helps! 🐾


  11. i made a love spell for me and my husband (with permission) had it for a couple weeks now and last night the very well sealed cap flew off the bottle (undamaged) without anything to provoke it . it only has moon water herbs and some small gems would anyone know why it would fizz up enough to pop off the sealed top even after weeks of being untouched.
    side note: we did just move and this happened about an hour after i put it in its place at our new home. it was separately carried so i know it wasn’t shaken.


    • There may be something that has come into the picture that has stirred things up that the original spell work can’t handle because the circumstances or situation has changed (like throwing a monkey wrench into it.) It may or may not be known at this time what it is exactly, but considering that you have moved to a new location or if something minor/major has changed in your living conditions/life, it may be best to restart the spell working again based on these new changes/circumstances. This may be a way of the jar/bottle saying it’s work is done based on the conditions that were in place when it was made and that a new one will have to be made. Hope that helps!


  12. Hello! i was wondering, what do i do with the spell jars when i feel as though they have done their job? like let’s say for example i made a love spell jar and love came to me, what do i do with the jar then? will me disposing it reverse it’s effects? please lmk thank you


    • A love spell jar (or any spell jar) can be handled in a few ways depending on how you feel best appropriate. The jar could be placed away in a special place on an altar or bookshelf to keep it as a keepsake and “fed” oil now and then or shaken up to keep it active. If you don’t want to have the jar anymore and want to dismantle it, this can be done carefully with the intention of keeping the results of the jar while returning the contents back to the Earth. This can be such as opening the jar in sacred space or a circle, cleansing it with herbs/smoke/incense, carefully disposing the contents in biodegradable paper to be buried or placed in the garbage/trash bin, then washing the jar if you wish to re-use it – often best in a pot of boiling water with some salt added. The intention is important while doing this: setting intention before hand, being consciously aware and focused on every step of the process. To set the intention, you may wish to burn a candle (pink, red or white), cleanse your area or space for working with/dismantling the jar. While in former days, many write about burying jars, it’s become conscientious that these glass jars don’t decompose and it can be costly to keep buying jars just to bury them all over the backyard. (Reuse Reduce Recycle.) Setting the intention to keep the current effects of the jar while dismantling. It can be looked upon as setting up for a ritual or spell and then putting all the ritual items away when you’re finished: the working or spell has been performed or released, but afterwards one may have to clean up and use the space for another purpose later. Hope that helps!


  13. I made a money jar recently and i reactivated it with a red tea light candle since that is all that i had at the time. My jar is now leaking air like its making a fizzing noise periodically (like its trying to hold in a fart lol) should i restart this jar?


    • A jar seal can break for a variety of reasons. Generally, if a jar’s seal becomes broken, the jar should be disposed of or it should be redone if the jar itself can be cleansed and cleansed. Hope that helps!


  14. Hi! So basically I made a honey jar but when I looked in it the other day I saw that the red ink that I used to write it with was gone due to the honey or something in it, but it is not there! Should I make a new one?


    • Hi there! It shouldn’t be a problem. You may choose to look at it as your writing words have been absorbed into the honey so as to infuse it. To confirm this, I pulled a quick card and the Ace of Pentacles came up. If this jar was about finances, money, prosperity or drawing something towards you, then this would be a good sign. The Ace of Pentacles for a honey jar may also indicate a positive sign that the jar is likely still working and is continuing to attract what you desire and is still working. Hope this helps! – Stacey (Stasya)


  15. What if I accidentally burnt my love spell coz all the water evaporated when it was on the stove & I was out of the room too long? Also it had his hair in it & i think it is burnt. Is this harmful or is it ok? Along with honey, pink rose petals, & water. There was writing on tape on the outside of the pot & those are charred too. How do I fix it, what should i do with the pot contents? Please help I’m having relationship trouble & am scared of making it worse while I’m trying to fix it.


    • For this, I would recommend starting over as a “do over” or taking a “mulligan”. You may want to dispose of the previous contents/ingredients that aren’t salvageable and anything that’s burnt/charred may need to be discarded (these can be put in the garbage/trash and taken outside the home if you have a garbage collection bin or wherever you keep garbage for city weekly pick-up.) To then start over, cleanse your home/space to clear the space and give you a fresh start to try it again. Think of it as a “reset” not only for the working but also your relationship. In most cases (even relationships), you can sometimes start over, go back to the beginning and try again. Cleansing your space and disposing the damaged contents/remnants of the working should be done before re-doing the working, but don’t need to be done right before or moments before restarting the working. Cleansing your home and self may help to reset the energy and clear it so you can feel present in the moment. Then you may wish to restart the working again on a Friday (as a preferred day) or any day but Saturday during the waxing moon phase. You may wish to burn some herbs or incense, or use cleansing spray to cleanse the space right before you begin the working again and then switch to burning herbs or incense associate with peace or love. Best of luck to you! – Stacey (Stasya) & the Tarot Pugs


  16. Please help. I wrote just a couple days ago about a spell i accidentally burned. I did 4 rituals that day designed to keep us together forever. Something has gone awfully wrong because now he’s getting deported. Please help i will die without him. How can i fix it. The one that burned had water, honey, rose petals & hair. There was another that someone removed from the door that contained salt in a pink bag with a red jar containing blood & hair inside. I dont know what happened to it. The honey jar spell is still on my shelf the other with just water & hair is still on the bench i stopped boiling it when he came & turned it back on when he left. Please tell me what to do what went wrong is it the one i burned or the missing juju bag? Please help me & him. They will deport him to dire poverty & possible death. I cant live without him. Did i do this by messing up the spellwork? Please help he has less than a month to fight the deportation orders & has left me because he blames me for this happening. This has only just transpired in the last couple days since my previous question. Please help us. Please help me save him.


    • The reply to the previous question has been sent but for this particular situation development, you may wish to work on a “freezer spell” or a spell to work on the further development of the situation. The deportation issue may seem to be separate than the relationship/love working and may need a separate working to sort that out as the love spell may not work or be intended for that as government and law are separate from matters of love. This may require a “freezer” spell or something that involves “Keep Law Away” spells, candles or oils. This may need a spell to handle both issue of the legal issue and love, even though these may seem connected, it may be easier to focus separately on these for a spell on each matter (one for legal issues/deportation and one for love/relationship repair). Hopefully this helps. Best of luck to you! – Stacey (Stasya) & the Tarot Pugs


  17. Ps i also had freezer spells on some other people around him that i thawed when this happened in case it jad anything to do with it


    • The freezer spells may need to be redone with additional measures as it may need an extra “punch” to get it back to what you want. I would recommend Keep Away Trouble Custom Scented Candle from Original Botanica (not an affiliate link) that may help to keep the law away and anything/anyone that is causing problems/negativity.

      There are some reviews on the shop site that may help. Shipping is pretty quick (within a few days or a week) if you’re in Canada or the US. As this is of a pressing issue, if you get the candle you can burn it right away. Any black candles that you may have on hand may also work in the meantime: https://www.originalbotanica.com/keep-away-trouble-custom-scented-candle/

      Graveyard dirt oil with a black candle may be something to consider if you need that extra boost to drive home that you need something or someone to stop what they’re doing: https://www.originalbotanica.com/graveyard-dirt-magical-oil/

      (Not an affiliated links – just have always had success with their products.)

      Hopefully this helps. – Stacey (Stasya) & the Tarot Pugs


    • Clear bottles are usually used, however if these aren’t available to you, then it’s better to work with what you have on hand than nothing at all or endlessly searching for the “right” bottle.

      If a certain colour is all that you can find or have on hand, then it can be used as long as your intention is strong that the colour is a substitution.

      Colours have associations with the mind and psyche, so seeing a certain colour will often evoke an emotion, feeling or word association. Using an alternative or substituted colour for the bottle, you’ll likely have to reaffirm your intention for the bottle on a conscious level to prevent the subconscious association having an opposite or different affect/intention.

      However, if you reaffirm that the specific coloured bottle is all that you have and to state the intention for this working as: “(this colour) represents (this intention) for this working/spell” then it shouldn’t be a problem.

      Hope this helps! – Stacey (Stasya) & the Tarot Pugs


  18. I have a jar on me with a hole at the bottom I would be able to patch up, I have done no spell in it. If I patch this hole, would it be safe to use this jar for a spell?


    • It shouldn’t be a problem (small or large jar/bottle) if possible to prevent any of the contents from leaking out. While some older traditions (mostly 20th century witchcraft texts, idea, belief, theory, etc.) may sometimes suggest throwing out a broken jar / bottle or discarding jars after use (depending on what it was used for – which would be taken into consideration), this idea may seem outdated to some extent in the 21st century as more people are now Earth conscious and more people advocate for “reduce, reuse, recycle” which seems to echo the practices of the old ways when it wasn’t convenient, cheap or easy to replace items such as bottles, dishes or clothing and many of these items were mended or repaired. To sum up the long story, if the repair of the bottle can keep the contents in place and won’t pose a fire risk (e.g. if a flame will be near it or on top that may touch the repaired surface/area), it shouldn’t be a problem. 😊


  19. Sorry! My last comment I used Spell Jar, this is a mini bottle 🙂 i couldn’t find my comment to reply. (If you cannot find the other comment, I was discussing that, if I patch up a hole for a bottle that I have not used for spells can I use it?)


    • There’s the option to create a new one and bury the old one on your property or somewhere it won’t be disturbed. The other option may be to consecrate it again with smoke and/or protection oil and reset your intention. Jars, talismans, amulets and charm bags work continuously the more you feed it your intention, handle it, pray over it, charge with your energy. Using a candle next to it and praying over the jar may help. There’s always the option to replace it depending on the type of protection it’s for. Creating a new jar and then disposing of the old one may be an option. Depending on the protection it’s for, burying it may be an option or taking the contents out and throwing the inside contents away (then taking the garbage out of the house as soon as possible) and cleansing, washing the jar may be an option too as glass won’t biodegrade in the Earth or water (waste not, want not). So there’s the two option of recharging the jar with your intentions, smoke, candles, oils, etc., or creating a new one then dismantling or disposing the old jar. This will depend what you feel will work best for you and what your intention is telling you depending on the intention / reason for the protection jar.


  20. hi! yesterday it was New Years eve and I it was 11:58 and I was holding my good luck spell jar to make sure I have good luck this next year but I dropped the jar and the glass broke 2 minutes before it was 2022. what does this mean? will I have bad luck this entire year?


    • While I don’t believe it will likely affect the whole year, it may be better to do a cleansing ritual, spell or candle to help clear the situation. If you find that you do have misfortune in the weeks or months to come, it’s always possible to do an uncrossing spell or ritual. It may be reasonable to start with a cleansing to remove the old energy or any negativity and then retry the good luck jar spell. Hope this helps!


  21. I made a protection spell jar one for me one for my kid. Put oil inside and sealed with wax mine is clear and a week later (we check them as they are on dressers) hers the oil turned black. What does this mean?


    • There’s different possibilities why this may happen: 1) the rational reason my be plain ol’ chemistry of what was used in the jar, if air is in the jar, if sunlight or light created a chemical reaction, leeching of the herbs mixing with the oil or other liquid. 2) The jar may have absorbed something energetically which created a metaphysical effect or may be affected by something externally energetically. The best way to determine in this situation may be to perform or have some do divination about the jar to see if the jar is still effective, and if not, what may be the cause that could be counteracting it, and then how to find a solution to the situation or problem. Sometimes a deep energetic and physical cleansing can help create a clean slate to clear out any negative or stagnant energy and then recreate / create a protection jar spell. For the reasons behind this protection jar, a divination reading may provide more specific answers based on your situation and circumstances for and/or about the jar.


    • Thank you for your question. 💖 The answer may depend on your beliefs system which may have an impact on the effectiveness and duration of the jar. There’s a common phenomenon that states that the mind will become fixated or attracted to whatever your attention is on. The more you focus your attention on something, the stronger the effect and result may be as a result. If we apply this to spell jars such as creating the jar, “feeding” the jar (e.g. burning candles on it, anointing with oil, etc.), keeping the jar on an altar or somewhere that the jar won’t be “forgotten” (as the old saying goes “out of sight, out of mind”), then this may indicate that a spell jar may continue to be effective so long as your attention (directly or indirectly) is put towards the jar. This may not necessarily have to be your full focus or attention, but simply acknowledge the jar wherever it may be, keeping it somewhere you can see or touch it, or that you remember about it or where it may be, if only rememvering it in the back of your mind. However, in some instances if circumstances have drastically changed this may affect the conditions that were placed on the jar based on the reason or situation at hand when the jar was created, and you feel that the jar doesn’t have the extra “oomph” to accomplish the initial intention, then an additional jar may be required. By this same note, if you feel that you’re no longer seeing any benefits from the jar either due to lack of focus / attention on the jar (after all life happens and we may sometimes forget) or you feel that the jar may have naturally runs its course for any reason because you’re no longer seeing results, then it may not be a bad idea to dismantle the jar and start a new jar. Hope this helps! 🔮🐾


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